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Colchester Chinese Culture Society (CCCS) is a non-profit organization formed in April 2004. The society has been established to work for the benefit of the local Chinese community in Colchester and its integration into local and regional society. CCCS will work to promote Chinese community life and to foster interaction with other community groups.

考切斯特中国文化协会(CCCS)是一个非营利性的华人社区组织,成立于2004年4月。该协会致力于传播中国传统文化艺术,促进国际艺术交流及文化多样性发展。同时为考切斯特以及周边地区的华人谋福利,帮助他们融入当地的主流社会。CCCS还将致力于促进华人社区生活,并促进与其他社区友好团体的互动, 共谋发展。

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