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‘Active China’ Project a Great Success

15th September 2020

Through the Tackling Inequalities Funding we delivered weekly physical activity to support people from the Chinese communities to before more active through our ‘Active China ‘Project.


The Chinese communities in Essex had been severely been affected due to COVID -19 pandemic over the last 10 months since the Lockdowns and Tier restrictions. The Chinese community had seen an increase in hate crime in Essex and were afraid to go out. The hate crime was aimed at individuals and local Chinese businesses. This has had a major impact on the community with mental health and physical activities.


The project was set up by the Colchester Chinese Culture Society (CCCS) it was based in Harlow, Braintree, Southend, Colchester & Tendering

Project Outcomes

  • To help combat Covid-19, the Health Qigong workshops were well received. The recorded session was viewed over 400 times on YouTube. Participants find Qigong practice is beneficial for quality of life, sleep quality, balance, handgrip strength. 


  • The Chinese Folk-Dance workshop is also a success, this is mainly due to the teacher Susie Lu is highly experienced and know how to motivate participants. At the end of the course, we have nominated the best performed student and the full attendance student who were awarded. We have decided to continue this workshop with another 14 week course is to start in January 2021 due to its popularity.


  • The weekly walking club at Clacton seafront has attracted members aged from as young as 7 to as old as 70. Although we had to limit the numbers each time, but people think it is a great opportunity to meet up with friends face to face. 

The Wider Benefits for Active China Project

  • Through CCCS Ambassadors we promoted ‘Active Essex’ project and encouraged people of all ages to engage and participate in the programme of activities.

  • The long-term legacy and sustainability of ‘Active China’ Project will continue as we will have all the equipment and materials in place through the funding from Tackling Inequalities Fund. 

  • We will loan out free the bicycles to other areas through our Ambassadors in other parts of Essex to continue the cycling programme. 


  • We are keen to continue the walking sessions in Colchester and Tendering through regular weekly sessions following Government guidelines and Tier restrictions in the future.

‘Active China project funded through Active Essex allowed the Chinese across Essex to engage and participate in a range of traditional Chinese activities to promote health and wellbeing. This was very well received by all ages.’

Simone Xue

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